Friday, July 27, 2012

Colored Vials and Crippling Smiles

A smack upon my thirsty lips
You send me reeling.
As you commence your fervent nips
I get this feeling...

Colored vials and crippling smiles-
Tingles caused by kissing wiles.

My grip can conquer shame
Your stare can simmer blood.
My whispered, pleaded name
Brings the surging of a bud.

Caresses like sweet currents
That wash against our skin.
Shudders as my shirt rents
And sweat just trickles in

To mingle with seductive styles,
Colored vials and crippling smiles...

All the world we might well maim-
Dusts and skies, winds and rains
By the eruption in our veins,
With colored flecks and searing flame.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Big Bang

Preceding "time" or "life" is just a ring with two polarities
Whose death match renders obsolete the smallest spark of "anything'.'
Opponents neutralizing all except a glowing entity-
Illuminating wonder as an incandescent offering.

A quick and stunning breath expelled in rapid sling-shot motion!
Watch every soul afloat in every molecule of spittle!
There is no "I" or "we" or "they" in flight in this commotion-
Only the faintest semblance of an "is" so vast and brittle.

Then all that "is" begins to dance a tango ever volatile,
With catapulted partners swept to realms to dwell or terminate;
Or just consume the anarchy- their passions so mercurial,
Until at last, a rhythmic flow does every body navigate.

Ensuing calm and settling flames give birth to vita temp'ral
While every soul becomes encased in stellar ash and waters.
Mystical and intricate, a tragedy ephem'ral
Thrust to a world resplendent with the remnants of star slaughters!

Our fragile suits whose threads are flanked with singular insignia
May serve to blur the knowledge of interconnected forces.
We're bound to all by lethal dust- strange agent of principia-
This pulsing light the unity of every[ ]body's courses.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


So intertwined
You twinge and chills run down my spine
And in the grind
I hear your voice when I speak mine