Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Little Leap

Let me begin by saying I haven't felt this urge in so long- to put pen to paper or spirit to lyric. This impulse to funnel tear drops through fingertips and feel the relief of so many keystrokes elucidating secrets unbeknownst even to me. That was why I needed you, pined for you.

It happened so suddenly, didn't it? You just stood there with that look on your face- that look of piqued interest and wonder. I've seen that expression so many times... Rarely do I return the sentiment. I suppose that was why I couldn't turn my back to you. And here we are.

It feels like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff. There are storm clouds approaching in the distance. A sensation of eerie presentiment is saturating my skin like so much condensation; yet however disastrous it seems, it's so beautiful, so awe-inspiring I cannot turn away from it. The winds whip me closer to the chasm below but Zeus' bolts are too hypnotic. Would it be so bad to plummet after such wonder?

Your smile is mesmerizing, your touch incendiary, your charm magnetic. I might jump if it be your will. I might just let go...