Friday, October 14, 2011

It's the National Day on Writing

I logged onto Facebook this afternoon. A friend of mine posted a link on his wall to the NWP website. It is the National Day on Writing; and the folks of NWP want to know why people write. Here goes:

Weeks have amassed without a single creation of mine- eternities since I've channeled my soul into my fingertips and transposed the fragments of my being. The accumulation of so much time without expression is... beyond expression. That's precisely it! To be without words is to reach profundities of meaninglessness that absorb my consciousness and cast a fog over my identity. If I don't give voice to my feelings, if I have no thoughts, I don't exist. For me, writing isn't just an exercise in catharsis, it is the process of self-actualization and the lasso that captures and attaches me to my reality. Without it, I slowly dissipate into the ether- I cease to be.

Such blessed moments of lucidity keep me grounded, keep me happy, regardless of the news they bear or their eloquence. It is the act itself, the process, that aliments. It is for this reason that I must continue to write. My fuel, my life force, consists of each character, each sentiment, every composition that sheds light upon my current condition. Writing is what thrives me; and without it, I starve myself into oblivion.

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