Saturday, July 30, 2011

Van Gogh

You’re my favorite kind of rain:

The sort that creeps in furtively, wafting a scintillating breeze over a sun-kissed earth; and you settle without a sound. You slowly blanket me, letting your embrace calm my restless thoughts; but you allow a few sultry rays remain to keep the edge off of your chilling onset.

You’re my favorite kind of rain:

The type that commences gently, languishing over every detail of your setting- washing it clean, bathing it with the tenderness of a new parent. Your kiss is soft but determined, deep but swift. You renew me with a vigor all your own. I remain in breathless anticipation of your next graceful entrance.

You’re my favorite kind of rain:

You only bless my presence every so often. Your purest beauty remains in the quintessentially mystical. I crave you for your artistic expression and effortless affections. You are regal, yet unsophisticated- your ways feral yet placating. You demand my love for your care is unmistakably unconditional.

You are my sunny rain.

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