Thursday, November 10, 2011

So Passive Aggressive

"Home" creating severe cacophonic mellays
Of resounding violence
Quiet ricochets, commences ever foul displays
Of increasing pestilence

Your loathsome smile though tolerable a while
Seeps into the realms of my demonic desires
To charm, to thrill, to alarm, to fill
Each harmful will to arm myself to kill

Perhaps it's time to chat, my dear
Or else you've really much to fear

Friday, October 14, 2011

It's the National Day on Writing

I logged onto Facebook this afternoon. A friend of mine posted a link on his wall to the NWP website. It is the National Day on Writing; and the folks of NWP want to know why people write. Here goes:

Weeks have amassed without a single creation of mine- eternities since I've channeled my soul into my fingertips and transposed the fragments of my being. The accumulation of so much time without expression is... beyond expression. That's precisely it! To be without words is to reach profundities of meaninglessness that absorb my consciousness and cast a fog over my identity. If I don't give voice to my feelings, if I have no thoughts, I don't exist. For me, writing isn't just an exercise in catharsis, it is the process of self-actualization and the lasso that captures and attaches me to my reality. Without it, I slowly dissipate into the ether- I cease to be.

Such blessed moments of lucidity keep me grounded, keep me happy, regardless of the news they bear or their eloquence. It is the act itself, the process, that aliments. It is for this reason that I must continue to write. My fuel, my life force, consists of each character, each sentiment, every composition that sheds light upon my current condition. Writing is what thrives me; and without it, I starve myself into oblivion.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Extra cheesiness

We've finally hit those minor tunes
We've finally reached the dissonance
But you’re the only person who
Could penetrate my fortresses

Though the frightened part of me
Wants to break free and run,
You’ve become the heart of me;
So let’s stick to our guns.

Catastrophes will often land
To shift our laid foundations
Tectonic plates can’t understand
The thrill of our elation

It’s in the darkness that we find
Our way back to each other
It’s in the storm, it’s in the grind
When we’re assured we’re lovers

Sunday, September 25, 2011


The squall slams against the brick,
Torrents wreck both dirt and sea.
These nights cut me to the quick,
Blankets feign to comfort me…

Comparable to the hostilities
Of tempers gone awry.
Cracks harbor incivilities-
Darkness creeps in as I cry.

These sheets dissolve my world away.
I lose myself in every splash.
To be reborn within the fray
Is to absorb each crippling thrash

Then pulverize my ineptitude!
Obliterate my strife!
Power at such magnitude
Is sure to transform my life.

Every whaling, howling gust,
Every bolt that punctures me,
A metamorphic shift I must
Let penetrate and embody.

I purge myself of every weakness,
Purified by my annihilation
With coming dawn- no lin'gring meekness
My new self radiates exhilaration.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Years of sheer abandonment accrued with such distaste.
Hapless measures, empty gestures have all been misplaced.
I see your loathing, the repugnance spewing like black rains.
Each day dawning, 'tween the yawning, your respect just wanes.

Perhaps I'll wipe you out, my dear, destroy your house, your home.
Unleashing all your banal fears, strip your protective dome.
And as I smite your loved ones right before your wicked eyes,
My fuel will be the vengeance from your cowering, pleading cries.

I'm Guabancex, I don't perplex,
You will show me utmost respect
You've grim prospects, if you neglect
To yield to me in all aspects

I'll channel your hot air into the winds that batter you-
That pulverize your nation as they slap and shatter you.
And as you quiver with remorse and think of me at last,
Watch Guatabá assail you with his clear, electric blast!

He sets flame every which way as I scowl in your face
I hold the power to your survival and am deaf to your "praise"
Did you think you could evade my deepening disdain?
Now Croatrisquie will come to flood your weakening terrain!

I'm Guabancex, I don't perplex,
You will show me utmost respect
You've grim prospects, if you neglect
To yield to me in all aspects

Aaaaaaah, I taste your salty tears doused in his ocean foul
You whimper as you call our names; but all I do is growl
My comrades maul and inundate at my supreme command;
To ensure that in the future you'll do as I demand....

I'm Guabancex....

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Quisiera usar todas mis fuerzas para conocerte más
Porque tus lagrimas son de las que alimentan la tierra
Porque tus ojos profundos me queman por dentro
Y tus manos alcanzan hasta mi corazón

Monday, August 22, 2011

To Be a Child Again

If I blind myself and stretch my limbs
I see the stars behind my lids
And just a smidgen of the rims
Of the specs we wore as kids

It's so nice to recognize
Such a shot of history
To get lost inside the eyes
Of the folks we used to be

So please let me....

Observe the glow
Of the firefly
That treads below
The grass so high

And wonder what
It'd be to own
A lit up butt
In my pantalón

Then hear the bell
Of an ice cream truck
And feel the swell
Of such great luck

Cuz George Washington
Sits in my pocket
Begin to grin
Bolt like a rocket

To buy my treat
And wolf it down
Rest my bare feet
Upon the ground

See rolly pollies
And lady bugs
They are so jolly
I give them hugs!

To be child
Without a care
To just run wild
Energy to spare!

It'd just be grand
To understand
First hand...


To be a child!

Vicious Cycles

I try my best to get past me-
To grasp the light and nurture it,
Sustain a semblance of what can be
If only my strength would permit

But lies muddle realities
Shadows cast over their gleam
Repeating such atrocities
Recurring, doom, darkening dream

Then I'm winning! For just a moment!
A lifetime waiting for this taste
The road before me somehow bent-
Toward success I do make haste.

Then the blackness chants its chime.
Goodness can be such a chore...
I think I beat it all the time
Then can't seem to settle the score.

Try not to dwell on outside sources:
Angels, heathens, friends or foes.
This my battle, my weapons and forces
Doesn't matter how long it goes

You cannot change me if I can't do it
I cannot focus on your contempt
If you left me to get through it
Might make more thrilling an attempt

But being alone is devastating
Such grave feelings unsettling.
Spending my life in constant waiting
For a champion's golden ring.

Don't know how I can conquer
Don't know who is guiding me
I have such a seething rancor
Toward the ones standing me...

There's no way to rescue me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Carta para Papá

Hojas moradas austeras vuelan levemente por la calle, acariciándola de vez en cuando si les da la gana y brillando en el sol dorado del mediodía. Dentro de los susurros de su canción te oigo a ti aconsejándome y regañándome como siempre hacías. En estos momentos taciturnos, en plena vista de mundo y cielo, te lloro.

No es por falta de tu presencia sino por la evidencia de tu espíritu en cada suspiro de atmósfera. Te respiro profundamente y me lleno de tu ser elemental hasta que fluyen las lágrimas- claras, abundadas y tiernas.

Te agradezco mucho por estas oportunidades- por el chance de sentirte cerca aunque estés tan lejos de mí. Yo vuelo con las hojas y tú me cargas de aquí a allá donde la luz irradia nuestra unidad eterna.

Only Butterflies

"We're all just molds of clay and toothpicks with tubes of thick kool aide."

I look upon your blank façade
Mute mold of meat most missed
And think what vicious act of god
Converts conquerors to kists

Ineptitude was just a guise
You were never trapped in mind
You took a blessing in disguise
And returned the gift in kind

Words soared freely through your sight
Swift glimpses to your soul
Packed a poignant source of might-
A cadaver awaiting its role.

And though we two have never met
Your lessons blossom in my head
Grasping words when death has set
To let prose surge when one is bled

Your fortitude an inspiration
Your finished work a celebration
My awe a timid dedication
To a stranger interred in French elation

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nuestro son (la calma)

It's a beautiful, sweaty abandon
Estar aquí acosta' a tu lado
You'll never know just how easy it is
Disfrutar de este tiempo contigo, mi amado

And let you perspire onto me,
To let your breath thrill my body
To burrow my head in your scent
To wonder where the time went...

To harmonize as it sprinkles outside
To let the drizzle play percussion in time
To watch our fingers weave their magical tide
And hear our voices trickling way to such ethereal rhymes

Ba da da da dai da da da-aaaaaaah *or some other such fru-fru*

Al oírlo pensarían que es mentira
Tan natural que sale to’ de su ser
Verán mi cuerpo que baila y se vira
En una muestra de cariño y de mi propio placer

Ay que éxtasis trae nuestra musiquita
Que fluye liberalmente del corazón
Escuchen bien y por favor, please, repitan
La melodía tan bonita nuestra rumba y son

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Your I Love Yous

I love you's bash against my tongue in tantalizing morsels.
I relish them- enclosed within a cell of charming chortles.
Your honeyed voice, your humid breath- endearing little parcels;
And to enjoy such sweet release? Enough for any mortals.

Come seal these feelings with a kiss to make a woman swoon.
You have the air of alchemists whose potions conquer tombs.
I'm certain that your words consist of some evasive rune;
But each endearment sows its seeds- mystique- exotic- blooms.

I pine for your I love yous and return your feeling too.
I pine for your I love yous; and my love for you is true.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Broken shards of colored glass,
Oozing blackness in the air
Chokes my lungs with putrid mass
As the shards shoot everywhere.

Ammunition pounds my turrets
And my heart begins to pound.
*Turn around to stop the bullets-
I catch myself hitting the ground.*

Then I wake to nothingness
And go about my pointlessness
Until the skies turn blue again,
Until the world seems true again.

Those things hide in darkened corners
Haunting me ’til I give in,
Shrouding all the vig’lant mourners
Can’t see them but they always win.

Vials green with filthy potions
Stop the pain from coming now.
Drown the constant, beating motions
Venom coursing sweet, somehow.

Then I wake to nothingness
And go about my pointlessness
Until the skies turn blue again
Until the world seems true again.

Hate myself for always caving,
Hate you for never quitting me.
Hate the rest for always raving...
Hate the world for shitting me…

Then I wake to nothingness
And go about my pointlessness
Until the skies rain down on me
Until my fears have grounded me…

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tu tango

One and two and three and four
Perfect rhythm, perfect poise
Hourglass tilts each grain of sand
And time still stands for simple joys.

Five and six and sev' and eight
Spin me once, linger- I dare!
But just enough to let us prep
For the next step, kick here, wave there.

Don't leave me hanging on the brink
Of your next warm embrace.
Don't let me fall, don't let me sink
Under the spell 'f each movement's grace

Tongue paralyzed as I move my feet.
Our motion fluid, our kiss gives heat...

Barista's Blues

Bored to tears with all I know
Maybe I'll just up and go
And steal your life,
Let go my strife,
Embark on something new.

I watch you drink your coffee
Take in the steamy brews,
Sip away those baggy eyes,
Your dreamy lies, your snooze.

I watch you drink your coffee
With your chums all by your side,
That sheepish chuckle filtering through
A smile too sweet and wide

And I think, I'll steal your life away
Because my blues been here to stay
I think I'll steal your life away
The sun shines down in piercing rays
[I think I'll steal your life away] (3X)
Embark on something new.

[Tilt, sip, tilt, sip, tilt, sip siiiiiigh
Lean, gulp, lean, gulp, lean, gulp aaayyyyy] (2X)

Saturday Morning

Upon a Sat'day mornin'
As I rise to the cock groanin'
And the dogs yappin,
And the birds flappin'
And the cats mewin'
And the tea fumin'...

You all rest your weary eyes.
Mine keep to yellin' bloodshot cries!

No rest for the zealous,
No easin' the jealous
Rampages within
When I'm dy'n to get in
To my bed....
Nurse my achin' head....

Temples drum a cadence grand-
Inside my head- a percussive band!

So if I could take a bat,
Hunt you down as you lay flat
Upon your back, fast asleep,
And over to you I could creep,
To pound you to your noxious doom
In your peacef'lly quiet room...

I wouldn't-
As I'm a Christian woman
But you shouldn't
Cease rememb'rin'
Sat'day morning snoozies
(Oh, they sho' are doozies!)
Aren't to be taken for granted
(Sometimes our views are slanted)

As not everyone gets those.
You can see that I should know!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our Song

(Her) Verse 1
Got just a hint of what was to come
In that first whiff of your natural cologne
Chest set to beating a vi'lent pum-pum
Something inside said I wasn't alone

(Her)Verse 2

But I fought it back like I always did
Road to love's paved like the one to hell
Such a fleeting goodbye to you I bid
Wishing you luck and wishing you well
Oh, wishing you luck, yeah, wishing you well

(Her) Chorus
Try as I might, I couldn't shake you
Beautiful eyes, beautiful soul
Bats and bullets may not break you
But that thing called love always bites you a hole,
That thing called love always bites you a hole in the breast.

(His) Verse 3
I didn't notice you that first night
You walked across my beaten roadside
But as time passed, I noticed the light
Of the radiant glow you couldn't hide.

(His) Verse 4
You warned me 'bout it; but I didn't listen.
The closer we got, the more you pushed away.
There were moments you had my cheeks glist'nin'
You broke it off; I'd more to say
Yeah, you ran off; but I had more to say

(His) Chorus
Try as I might, I couldn't shake you
Beautiful eyes, beautiful soul
Bats and bullets may not break you
But that thing called love, it bites you a hole
That thing called love just bites you a hole in the chest.

Didn't take long for me to miss you
(Her) Couldn't have left you if I wanted.
(Him) Didn't take much for me to kiss you.
(Her) God set my roots and now I'm planted;
(Both) Good to know we can finally rest.

(Both) Chorus

Try as I might, I couldn't shake you
Beautiful eyes, beautiful soul
Bats and bullets cannot break you
'Cause our love fixed the hole,
Yes our love patched up the hole; and we're blessed.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Dihydrogen Oxide

Pungent earth and dewy grass
Lurid zephyr, voice so crass
You and I, with passion rife,
Amongst birds singing the Mass of Life

Prisms smiling as they land
Upon my cheek, upon my hand.
Each drop a prayer, each prayer a beat
Smooth as the stones beneath our feet.

Hand on my heart, heart on my sleeve
No room for tears, no time to grieve
With you by my side, each day after day
I'm searching for answers in what raindrops say.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Van Gogh

You’re my favorite kind of rain:

The sort that creeps in furtively, wafting a scintillating breeze over a sun-kissed earth; and you settle without a sound. You slowly blanket me, letting your embrace calm my restless thoughts; but you allow a few sultry rays remain to keep the edge off of your chilling onset.

You’re my favorite kind of rain:

The type that commences gently, languishing over every detail of your setting- washing it clean, bathing it with the tenderness of a new parent. Your kiss is soft but determined, deep but swift. You renew me with a vigor all your own. I remain in breathless anticipation of your next graceful entrance.

You’re my favorite kind of rain:

You only bless my presence every so often. Your purest beauty remains in the quintessentially mystical. I crave you for your artistic expression and effortless affections. You are regal, yet unsophisticated- your ways feral yet placating. You demand my love for your care is unmistakably unconditional.

You are my sunny rain.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lyrics Fall like Raindrops

Lyrics fall like raindrops upon my famished being.
They culminate, one by one, in a nourishing stream-
Quelling the apathy, healing with empathy,
Inculcating messages as in a dream,
Lyrics fall like raindrops and aid me with seeing

    The sentiments behind the words, the words behind the notions,
The depth and breadth and girth of all the subtle evocations.
As they make sense my senseless voice, elucidate emotion,
Lyrics fall like raindrops with pow'rful locomotion.

When 'twixt mind and tongue lies communicative disparity
And my heart's expression 's bound by shackles of asperity,
Soak me in your sweet deluge of sentimental clarity.
Let lyrics fall like raindrops of smooth serenity.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Sometimes it only rains on my street
Sometimes it only rains onto me
Sometimes I have to shuffle my feet
Just to get through the heat that swelters right up to me.

Some days don’t wanna leave a trace-
To escape and find some better way
Some days just wanna kiss your face
Consume your lovely grace although your miles away.

Oh what am I to do-
So alone and so in love with you?
Oooo who am I to choose to take my mind off you
To make my skies turn blue…?

Sometimes I think your standin’ there
Like a ghost that’s loomin’ in the air
Smell your skin and feel your smilin’ stare
I think that you still care, I think you’re everywhere

Then it goes a-tricklin’ down again
Same old salty, bitter taste and then-
Here you come on into town again
I see your chucklin’ grin, that same old toothy din…

Oooo, here it comes anew
You just touched me and it felt so true
Oooo, what am I to do, to get away from you
To quit this same ol’ tune?

Lover's Aquatic Tryst

To consummate our love in daylight
Would prove a mis’rable finish.
Let’s consecrate instead in darkness
And fuse our destinies always.

A delicate portal must be plunged-
Breath-taking scene to follow-
To verify we’ll be together
Despite intolerant rivals.

We’ll bathe in depths profoundly midnight;
And stripped of respiration,
Will reach and clench each other’s bodies-
Enacting mounting commitment.

Do not despair my sweet, dear lover;
For I’ll encourage your passion.
And not a care will come to tarnish
The chaste emotions between us.

I Want You Whole

Not in part, I want the whole:
The broken places, no empty spaces,
Dark displacements, I want control;
But not in part- I want the whole.

I want your tears, your bitter tears,
Your bile and blood, entire flood
Soiled in mud, I want your fears.
I want your tears, your bitter tears.

Collide- with me, you are complete.
I am not broken- my precious token.
No lies are spoken, with love replete
Collide with me; you are complete.

Not in part, I want the whole:
No passive critique, don’t want you meek
Patience won’t peak; but you already know:
Don’t want you in part- I want you whole.

Bring on the Rain

You made it a hot, humid day
Your silky beams streaming fevered sighs
They're melting into gray
My crystal rays shoot chills as I rise.

A static shock!
Clouds wrap 'round us trapping heat.
Winds howl their playful mock
Of my resolve trickling 'way at your feet.

Chorus 1
So bring on the rain
To melt the ice and cool the blaze-
So lonely it's insane
Without your love to ease this craze.

The mist is floating down
Stray drops crash abrupt caress
Dampen the eager ground
Pulses race in sheer unrest...

Melding into your space.
Yes you steam into me.
And your kiss leaves a trace
Of what is gonna be

Chorus 2
Please bring on the rain.
We need celestial relief.
Hear our refrain
We need to dissipate this grief.

Then down comes the flood,
Raging coursing of blood,
The thunder roars as the water pours
And the lightning smites all my lingering fights...

We're drenched in our love (Repeat)